The New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce has partnered with the City of New Rochelle and other organizations, such as SCORE, The New Rochelle BID, SBDC, The New Rochelle Public Library Foundation, The New Rochelle Bar Association, and more, to bring monthly workshops to the public.
Click the logos below to learn more about our partner organizations.
Ongoing Workshops
As of October 9, 2018, all New York State (NYS) employers are required to provide sexual harassment prevention training on an annual basis. Each employer has one year to comply with this new law, and he or she must facilitate the sexual harassment prevention training session by October 9th of each year. The New Rochelle Chamber of Commerce has partnered with New Haven Consulting Group, Inc., who has developed an online training that meets the State’s detailed requirements.
PSH-NYS, conducted as a traditional classroom or as an online workshop, addresses both the legal and behavioral aspects of sexual harassment to ensure an inclusive, highly productive work environment.
For more information, click here: Preventing Sexual Harassment – NYS
To participate in the training, there is a $20 charge for each employee. If more than 25 employees plan on participating in the training at one time, please contact us at

Upcoming Workshops
More information coming soon.
Past Workshops